Journal of Statistical Sciences- Reviewers Section
Guidelines for Reviewers

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Guidelines for Manuscript Reviewers:

The points below provide general guidelines for reviewing. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Editor (

1. Timeliness in reviewing is essential. Please try to meet the deadlines given for reviews. If you cannot meet the deadline, please let the managing editor know when to expect your review.
2. Disclose potential conflicts of interest. Disclose potential conflicts of interest.  If you think you cannot give an impartial review, of course, you should disqualify yourself and notify the editor of the appearance of a conflict of interest.
3. Report suspected plagiarism or other breaches of ethics. If you notice plagiarism or other breaches of ethics during your review, notify the editor.
4. Disclose limitations. If you are uncertain about some aspects of a manuscript or think certain aspects of a manuscript are outside your expertise, please let the editor know.
5. Manuscripts should be considered confidential. Under no circumstances should you distribute them further, or make any other use of them, without first contacting the editor, who will then discuss the request with the author.
6. Regarding your comments for authors:
  • Do not identify yourself or your institution in your comments for the authors.
  • Do not include overall recommendations in your comments to the authors ("This paper is publishable," "This paper is unacceptable," etc.). General recommendations should appear only in comments you provide separately for the editor. It is the editor’s job to make an overall recommendation about publishing.
  • We prefer that you provide your comments by pasting them into the text box provided on the system. You also have the option to upload your comments as a .pdf document, make sure it is fully blinded (your name is neither in the document nor in document properties).
  • Please number each comment. This makes it much easier for editors and authors to discuss specific concerns and issues in a manuscript.
  • Please cite page numbers when referring to specific sections of the manuscript.
  • Authors will receive an anonymous copy of your comments. Always be polite, scholarly, detailed, and constructive. Use a professional style in preparing your comments.
  • Always talk about the paper, not the author. Scrutinize the issues, ideas and methods, not the author. Your review should reflect your scholarly judgment and expertise.
  • Be consistent; don’t write a very promising set of comments to the author, and then say very negative things in the evaluation form you provide to the editor (or vice versa).
  • Even if you think a manuscript is seriously flawed, try to give the author suggestions as to how it might be improved. Also be sure to identify the strengths of a paper, and consider whether and how those strengths might be salvaged.
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