In the last decade, Poisson regression has been used for modeling count response variables. Poisson regression is not a suitable choice when count data bears superfluity of zero numbers. In this article, two models zero-inflated Poisson regression and bivariate zero-inflated Poisson regression with random effect are used to modeling count responses with a superfluity of zero numbers. Usually, distribution of the random effect is considered normal, but we intend to employ more flexible skew-normal distribution for the distribution of the random effect. Finally, the purpose model is applied to data which as obtained from the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz concerning the number of failed courses and fail grade point average semesters. we used a simulation method to verify parameter estimations.
Dehghani M, Zadkarami M R, Akhoond M R. A Bivariate Zero-Inflated Poisson Model with Skew-Normal Random Effect. JSS 2019; 13 (1) :99-116 URL: