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:: Volume 18, Issue 1 (8-2024) ::
JSS 2024, 18(1): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
Stochastic Comparisons of ‎$(‎‎n-1)$-out-of-‎$‎n‎$‎‎ Systems with Additive Hazard Components under Random Shocks
Abed Hossein Panahi , Habib Jafari , Ghobad Saadat Kia *
Abstract:   (1317 Views)
Often, reliability systems suffer shocks from external stress factors, stressing the system at random. These random shocks may have non-ignorable effects on the reliability of the system. In this paper, we provide sufficient and necessary conditions on components' lifetimes and their survival probabilities from random shocks for comparing the lifetimes of two $(n-1)$-out-of-$n$ systems in two cases: (i) when components are independent, and then (ii) when components are dependent.  
Keywords: Majorization ‎Order, Schur-convixity, ‎Archimedean ‎Copula, ‎ $‎‎(n-1)$‎-out-of-‎$n‎‎$‎ systems, Additive Hazard Model
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Reliability
Received: 2023/07/25 | Accepted: 2024/08/31 | Published: 2024/06/4
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Hossein Panahi A, Jafari H, Saadat Kia G. Stochastic Comparisons of ‎$(‎‎n-1)$-out-of-‎$‎n‎$‎‎ Systems with Additive Hazard Components under Random Shocks. JSS 2024; 18 (1)
URL: http://jss.irstat.ir/article-1-859-en.html

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